BDU contributes significantly to climate change mitigation by sequestering carbon from the atmosphere.
Total carbon stock
Total carbon credits issued
Carbon Credits
1 carbon credit = tradable unit for a reduction or removal of 1 metric tonne of CO2
- Different types of standards that certify forest carbon projects, for the issuance of credits, are available (CDM, VCS and CCB, GS4GG, Plan Vivo).
- In AF, we use Verra’s VCS (Verified Carbon Standard) and CCB (Climate, Community & Biodiversity) programs, since they are the world’s most widely used in AFOLU (Agriculture, Forestry, and Other Land Use) projects.
- Verra’s role is to certify the concentration of carbon in the biomass and to enure that the carbon reductions or removals claimed by projects actually happen.
- Biomass volume measurements are made, both in the determination of the baseline scenario and during the development of the project, as well as each time the increase in carbon is verified for the issuance of credits.
- The baseline scenario refers to the emissions that would occur in the absence of a project. Emission reductions or carbon removals in excess of the baseline level are considered additional and, thus, eligible to generate a carbon credit.
- Carbon stock changes are estimated according to the current carbon stock and projected biomass growth.
Monitoring Report
Project Description
Forest assets as sustainable investing
- It helps to support global climate goals and to contribute to broader elements of sustainable development in rural communities.
- Strong environmental stewardship can enhance the underlying value of timberland, as well as help to secure a price premium for timber-related products through certification programs and support sustainable long-term forest growth.
- International certifications help to define and audit many forestry industry players’ environmental and social performance, while driving improved standards.
Total FSC® certified area
AF Group is FSC® certificate license holder FSC® C129543.
What is FSC®
FSC® certification (Forest Stewardship Council ®) is a voluntary aassesment system of standards carried out by independent third parties, intended for forest owners and managers; and companies involved in processing and transforming materials of forest origin.
Who provides it
An international non-profit organization dedicated to promoting responsible forest management around the world for more than 25 years. This organization currently has more than 200 million certified hectares in 80 countries.
What is the methodology
This certification is based on 10 principles and 70 criteria to validate the responsible management of forest and address issues including:
- workers and community well-being
- relations with indigenous communities
- effective management and monitoring systems
- conservation of ecosystems and minimization of environmental impact
AF Group is FSC® certificate license holder FSC® C129543. FSC® is not responsible for and does not endorse any financial claims on returns on investments.